Project: Innovation of the waste-to-energy concept for the low-carbon economy: Development of novel carbon capture technology for thermochemical processing of municipal solid waste (Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste – CCSW)

Project number:

The overarching aim of the project is to expand the knowledge base of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) treatment in an approach that integrates the CCS within the Waste to Energy (WtE) concept. Thus, the project intent is to develop a novel approach of Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste (CCSW).

Project applicant: University of Latvia

Cooperation institution: CFCA

Description of the Project

In accordance to this concept, the aim of the project is to expand upon the previously researched refuse derived fuel (RDF) thermochemical processing (gasification) technology by

  1. evaluating, studying and adapting the most technologically and
  2. economically feasible approach of pre-combustion carbon capture; and by developing a pilot scale facility with the aim to demonstrate its potential for CCSW to offer the industry an innovative solution for municipal solid waste processing.

The project activities and outcomes are directly related to the applied research in energy production sector and other economic fields such as public services, chemical production and others. It directly supports the targets of Latvia’s National Smart Specialization (RIS3) strategy “Smart energy” and its related areas “Smart materials, technologies and engineering systems” and “Knowledge-intensive bio-economics” of the same strategy.